New Worship Cd coming soon! All new songs!
Since 1991 I have been receiving original praise and worship songs from the Lord. From the very beginning I prayed and asked the Lord to give me songs to bless the Body of Christ and other worship leaders. Since that time the Lord has given hundreds of songs. This web-site is giving me the opportunity to share them with others! Obviously it is going to take me a while to organize and upload all these songs with chords and lyrics. The recordings I will be sharing will range from a basic recording just to hear how the song goes, to fully produced. I recommended re-visiting this page from time to time as I hope to be uploading new songs regularly. May the Lord bless you and please feel free to use these songs to minister Christ to others!
Please do not use these songs for profit.
Please do not use these songs for profit.
I will be uploading new songs, lyrics and chords continually. My desire is to offer free music to worship leaders... songs that lift up Christ as our Life!