Contact Us About Our Children's Church Materials and Ministries at: [email protected]
Booklet of our Free and Available Materials
There was a time when the disciples wanted to keep back the little children from drawing near to Jesus. Jesus told them to let the little children come to Him. Now, in our generation, we can let the little lambs in the flock draw near to Jesus also! In simplicity and by the Holy Spirit they can come to know Christ in resurrection reality. These lessons were written to share with children that they are in Christ, Christ is in them, the wonder of Christ growing in them, and the heart and eternal plan of God for Jesus to be their Life!
The children's programs listed below are all original and free to download. Our desire is that these materials would be used to help young hearts experience and embrace Jesus in living ways.
Each button is linked to a web-page that will present the full program and materials.
The children's programs listed below are all original and free to download. Our desire is that these materials would be used to help young hearts experience and embrace Jesus in living ways.
Each button is linked to a web-page that will present the full program and materials.
Let The Children Come Unto Me...
Jesus Died On the Cross For All The Little Children
We believe in freely giving what the Lord has freely given us in these original kids materials. If it is in your heart to donate towards the continuation and production of these materials and this ministry to kids, we would be very grateful. Fire Ministries International is a 501 C3 Non profit.