“On Fire With His Desire”
Dear Jesus Friends,
So much has happened since last month's newsletter in regards to this year’s Ireland outreaches. The Spirit heard your prayers and the Lord has begun responding from His heart to our hearts that are seeking Him above all else.
As we remain “On Fire with God’s Desire,” the Lord’s Spirit moves and guides us each step of the way. The very day after I sent out last month’s newsletter, the Lord spoke to me through several witnesses that it was time to move forward and begin the process of ticketing the teams for the July youth outreach and adult retreat/conference. One week after that, all the tickets were purchased. Never before in my 20 years of taking teams to Ireland have I seen the Lord move through the Body in such a way of flowing together as One in ticketing. More than any other time the transportation team was faced with situations that required much research and provision for those purchasing tickets to Ireland. They did a wonderful job! This ticketing step was filled with faith and a spirit of moving together as the Lord’s Body. I believe that the Lord was glorified in this. I saw both the hand of the Lord and the nature of the Lord at work in His people in this first step towards our return to Ireland this coming July. With all the world situations in flux around us, we continue to cast ourselves upon the Lord as we prepare, knowing that every little step filled with Him may be the outreach in itself if we are unable to travel due to situations in the earth.
And yet our hearts rejoice at the thought of stepping once again onto Irish soil and reuniting with our beloved Irish brothers and sisters in Christ. It has been three years without that face-to-face fellowship, and after such a long separation we feel a deep appreciation for the Lord’s Body and the fellowship of His Life we share. Please pray for me, the leadership team, and the many other teams within Fire Ministries that are laboring in the Lord to prepare for these upcoming trips. I would also ask for special prayers for the Young Adults Sonrise Team, many of whom will be traveling to Ireland in July. The Life of Jesus is real and alive in them and He is igniting their hearts. We want to be filled and flowing with all that is in His Heart, not just for ourselves (the young adults), but also the many lives the Lord wants to touch through us. With so much ahead for these young hearts, they truly need your prayers and so do I. I cannot emphasize how greatly this prayer support is appreciated. I also want to mention that there are more young adults involved in the Sonrise Team than just those who are going to Ireland. I see Jesus in real and precious ways in these young hearts, and request your faith and prayer covering over their hearts also, and all that God is doing in them.
This semester at Accelerated Christian Training School I will be teaching a course on evangelism. Interestingly enough, during the months I will be teaching that course I will also be involved in doing some evangelism both here in Texas as well as in Ireland! Just let me know if you would like to join that class - it will be shared via Skype on Monday mornings at 10am Texas time.
We continue to be blessed with our ministry from the Irish on our “Fire Fridays” Zoom meetings every other Friday at 1pm Texas time. You are welcome to join us as we “warm ourselves around the heart of Jesus” and receive the Word of the Lord through different ministers from Ireland. We meet tomorrow, so if you would like to join that meeting, here is the zoom link:
Meeting ID: 828 4033 1160
Passcode: 588353
It is a time of New Life in Jesus and a time of sharing His Life with others. Spring is everywhere! Just like the scriptures declare in the Song of Songs, “Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. The winter is past and the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth” (2:10-12a). How can we hold back the coming of the Lord from deep within us? His Life lives… and He lives through us. This month’s song is “Let the King of Glory Rise”. Isn’t it wonderful that we don’t have to produce the Life, rather we just let Jesus come forth. He does the living as we yield by “letting”.
The seasons have definitely changed in my life and here at Fire Ministries. The Lord has been infusing my body with His Life, and my heart exalts in Him! I find that, the more I yield my members to be used as a vessel of Jesus, the more the life of Jesus quickens me. He is my healing because He is my Life, and I have been experiencing that every day. Even though weakness is there, and tries to tempt me to turn within, I feel the Spirit of God redirecting my heart to plug into Jesus and let Him fill me again. How wonderful to be made partakers of Christ! Oh thank you Lord! This new season of being filled up and poured out has brought with it many, many new opportunities to serve the Lord and labor together with His Body. Yet greater than all that we could do is His love between us, and I have been blessed to experience that more than ever. I am sorry for going long in my personal note, but there is much to share and I rejoice that our hearts are knit in Christ and that we are together in Him as He leads us on.
Yours in His boundless Love,