A Kelly Update!
Dear Friends,
I Peter 1:6 shares, “In all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials.” This past month has given me many reasons to “greatly rejoice”!! Three weeks ago over half my house flooded due to a situation in my utility room, which requires much of that area to be rebuilt. Part of the procedure in drying out the house injured my eyes (which are now in the process of healing). Right after that Bethany (my dog) had a relapse with her auto-immune disease. Although I mention these things, the real report comes with the next verses from I Peter 1:7-8: “These trials have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed: receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.”
The flood in my house broke loose right around the time I normally would be flying to Ireland for our annual conference. It happened moments after filming and skyping a Bible class from my home, which I have been doing almost daily for close to a year and a half. And now, my house lies desolate with no classes or services within it. At first I cried as my heart broke over the loss of the ability to minister forth the Word from my house. But as my tears flowed, the Father spoke to my heart and told me that I was the mission field and the house that He was working on right now, and that this was a time for Him to really write His Word into my heart and do what is in HIS HEART… bring forth more of His Lamb within me. Now that causes my heart to greatly rejoice!! May His desired end come forth in all of this, and may Christ be magnified and glorified through it all. I do cherish your prayers and the caring hearts that are helping with the physical and financial burdens these situations bring. There has been a lot of love, sacrifice, and care that means more to my heart than my words can express. Not going through this alone, but being surrounded with the love of Christ in my sisters and brothers has meant more to me than I can say.
In the midst of it all, I am still sharing on “Heart Equations in Daniel and Revelation” which deals with trials and the daily offering of the Lamb. It is amazing how the Lord has literally numbered the days, the offerings, and the people in accord with His slaughtered Lamb, right done to the exact number due to the preciousness of His Son to His heart. May the Father’s heart be fed the Lamb He loves as we seek God’s Heart in these scriptures.
This month’s article is a booklet from 2007 called “Jesus Looked Upon Peter” that the Lord laid on my heart to reshare this month. The song for this month is also a song from years ago, called “Sanctuary”.
I would like to close my personal note with a heart-felt message to the Cassel Family and all those of us who dearly love Pat Cassel. She went home to be with Jesus on Saturday April 24th, and she will be dearly missed. Pat and my mom came to Ireland together several times to seek, serve and love Jesus there. She was such a beautiful woman who loved Jesus so much. Please keep her family in your prayers.
From my heart to yours,
(The picture below is my mom (Mary) and Pat Cassel in Ireland)