Dearest Friends in Jesus,
Your love, care and support these past months have meant more to me than I can express. I have not been able to fully respond to the outpouring love and care that has so deeply blessed me, and uplifted Jesus and His heart purposes. Thank you from all my heart. The Lord is doing a deep work in me right now to bring forth His Son in the fiery trials that continue to be upon me. It is a very precious season for me to know the Lord and be with the Lord. I fear that in bringing up the details I would magnify myself and the trials above the Lamb Who deserves the focus of my heart right now. I daily find my heart turning to those who are also “in the flames” at this time. How precious to strengthen one another’s hearts to count it all joy to be with Him and for His beautiful nature to manifest in our earthiness. Though at times it becomes more than we can bear, that is when the Son starts shining out of that dark place (our hearts) and what joy it is when He appears! Come Lord, come! May I not miss precious opportunities to be with You, Lord!
Although it is in my heart to share with you freely, as I know so many of you care deeply, yet talking about earth things at this time turns my focus back to me. I simply ask for you to ask the Lord that His will be done in me, and if He guides your heart in any other way of help or care I will leave that to Him. My prayer requests is for more of Jesus and less of me.
Precious ones, I love you from within Jesus’ deep - deep heart of love. Oh, how amazing it is that we are together in Him both now and forever. He is beautiful beyond description.

The second path was very different, and quite a bit less “glorious” as many would count glory. The ragged company that “limped down” the narrow confines of this twisty, tricky, and treacherous lane looked like that had barely survived a world war. They could not enjoy the flowers and the trees beside the path because their chronic aches (both in heart, soul, and body) robbed them of their ability to savor this life anymore. Their joy came from an unseen fellowship that was based on the sufferings of a rejected King. Many had forgotten the exact scriptures and charts that could prove and argue their righteous belief system, for all their attention was held in the Person Who was literally keeping them alive. However, they could sharply discern life and death when the trappings of the knowledge of good and evil tried to turn their feet from the path of Life. In their literal walk they had chosen the Lamb with their feet, with their meditations, with their reactions and decisions. They had moved from agreeing with a doctrine to following the Lamb withersoever He goes.