Dear Ones,
The Lord continues to breathe His Life into dry bones. Our bones may feel dry at times, but we are His bones! In Ephesians 5:30 it declares that His Church is bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh. I Corinthians 6:17 says that they who are joined to the Lord are one spirit. What can overcome those who are One with Jesus? He is in us… and through Him all things are possible. His love, tenderness, long-suffering, and gentleness towards one another is possible by His love shed abroad in our hearts. Oh, to know the love of Jesus in this way, as it flows out of us to others. What great intimacy we can experience with Jesus while He is loving others through us. And what can be said about how this blesses the Father and the Spirit?! In fact, this month’s sharing is a new booklet entitled, “Oh How Fun To Overcome!” It is an encouraging word from Psalm 114 to everyone who has Jesus inside of them, yet still struggles with "enemies in the land". In fact, if you would like to receive a printed copy of this booklet, just let Kelly know and we will send you one! Also, this month's song is Steve Green singing Psalm 114.
We are in a fresh new season of ministry to and with young adults and children, which has always been something precious from the Lord's heart to this ministry. Please pray for the Sonrise Young Adults’ Team, as we are embarking upon a new evangelical drama/musical that the Lord is giving us. The prayers we long for are those that cover the Seed of Christ in these young adults and His increase within them. I would also request your prayers for the younger children that I am blessed to help serve within my local fellowship. These young ones are vessels of Jesus and have hearts to love Him and let Him live through them. The Lord is opening new doors and ways of allowing Jesus to live and minister through these children. Again, your prayers are deeply appreciated.
Every other Friday, Fire Ministries hosts a Zoom meeting during which we hear the Word shared from one of our dear brothers and sisters in Ireland. These meetings have been so precious and refreshing. If you would like to receive the Zoom link to join in during one of these Fire Fridays Zoom meetings, just let me know! They occur at 1pm Texas time and usually last about 45 minutes.
In this following and final section of my personal note, I would like to share just a little in regards to Fire Ministries' Ireland mission trips.
Ireland - On Fire Only With God’s Desire and Timing
When St. Patrick first came to Ireland, he was brought as a captive and made to serve as a slave. During that time, Patrick began knowing the Lord. After many years, the Lord made the way for him to leave Ireland and return to his home country. But the release from Ireland did not release Patrick's heart from seeking the living God. He gave himself to the Word, to knowing the Lord, to pressing into His heart. He wasn't preparing to be a missionary to Ireland - he didn't know he would be one. Then one day, he had a dream... in the dream, he received a letter. In the letter was a simple plea: "Come and walk among us again." It was time, and the Lord beckoned Patrick to return - this time freely, and with his cup full.
It has been almost three years since Fire Ministries has been in Ireland. One might think it is high time we get back to it! But these last years have been much like Patrick's when he returned to his home country: we have not sought the Lord for ministry, or to be something, or do something... we have sought the living God. We have been eating the Lamb, crying out for HIM, to see Him, for Him to fill us and to live and die through us unto the Father and for others! For His Spirit in us to be the only thing that matters at all and ever - not outward things, not ministry. The feast has been rich, the contrasts stark, the battles real, the Spirit faithful, the Father's heart palpable...
Fire Ministries' leadership has begun to feel it may soon be the Lord's time for us to return to Ireland again, and so has taken some preliminary “baby” steps in that direction. But we have not heard fully, and so we continue to wait on the Lord. It can seem challenging on a practical level, with things like buying plane tickets and making reservations, all the earthly things, pressing in. But the truth is, as we stay under the Lord, and only move with Him, then He will make the way when and how He chooses.
So, we continue to wait on the Lord, and we will keep taking steps only when and how He leads. We dare not set foot back onto Irish soil, after these years of eating the Lamb, by pushing our way. When we return, we want it to be only in response to a fresh beckoning call from the Lord: "Come...and walk among us again."
Yours, broken… needy… and His!