Dear On-Fire for Jesus Friends!
Fire Ministries has recently received a tremendous blessing in regards to the gift of a book library for our Round Tower ministry in Ireland. Although the ministry donating the library wishes to remain anonymous, we do see and acknowledge Jesus and His Life flowing through this ministry! Our hearts are grateful! The Round Tower is the name of the place in Ireland where Fire Ministries stores materials for a potential future Bible School. Whether or not God ever desires to raise up a Bible School in Ireland, we have and are gathering materials that share Christ and Him Crucified, and this library gift is a tremendous seed sown into that heart and vision. I would personally like to thank all those who are a part of this gift for their love and support in sharing these valuable materials for the Irish to have in their pursuit of knowing Jesus. The books that are being donated are rich in the message of the Cross, and in knowing Christ as our Life in His Lamb nature. I cannot express what a blessing this gift is and could be in the future for hungry hearts desiring to know the Lamb as their life.
I would also like to thank all of you for your prayers, faith, and support as we continue to prepare for the two upcoming Ireland trips. These outreaches into Ireland involve all of us, whether we stay or go. Together we are His Body, and each member brings His strength and life to the Lord’s purpose in this mission. In I Samuel 30:24 David said, “The portion of whoever went down to battle is like the portion of him who stayed by the side of the equipment, and they divide as one!” We move together as One in Jesus and stand together in His love! Praise God! The Lord continues to guide and speak, bringing His Life and vision for each step. He is providing new ways for these new days, and fresh vision and flow from His heart is igniting us with His passion and purpose for these outreaches.
This year’s Ireland Retreat and Conference is in a new location that will provide new avenues for fellowship among the brethren, feasting together on the Lamb, and refreshing in His Presence. The Sonrise Team of Young Adults desire to go to Ireland with their cups overflowing, ready to be poured out for others. We are working daily writing, rehearsing, and recording our Musical Drama called “The VTE”. We will share more specifics later concerning what “VTE” stands for, but it represents believers willing to bear the dying of the Lord Jesus for others. In fact, Fire Ministries is flying Emee O’Reilly into Texas in the beginning of May to record and rehearse with us as part of this musical. We are just delighted that Emee will be a part of bringing the Lord’s Spirit and heart into this musical. It is a true and precious blessing having her with us! We are burdened for this generation to hear and experience the Gospel even as Paul shared “Christ in you” with the Gentiles. Paul went beyond sharing the basic concept of Christ being in us by displaying and declaring that the Christ Who is in us is a slain Lamb that exists to give Himself for others…IN and through US! The process of preparing this evangelistic drama is definitely an ADVENTURE... and thank God for the Holy Spirit equipping us! It requires Jesus’ LIFE to fill each part, Faith for it to be ready for Ireland (and beyond), and LOVE for Jesus, that He would receive love from and be ministered to from our hearts through it! And also hope... we hope this drama glorifies the Lord so that others may truly come to know the Crucified Jesus in all His Beauty. Needless to say… please pray!
We continue our course on “Change the World Evangelism” this semester at ACTS Bible School. What a great season to reach beyond ourselves and share the AMAZING NEWS that JESUS wants to LIVE IN ALL OF US!!! Are you ready? Someone somewhere is ready to know Jesus! We are His hands and feet sent to reach them! Our current classes are posted at the end of this E-newsletter.
May the Fire of God’s desire burn strong in our hearts. May that living flame strengthen us from within to be a savor and testimony of the Son who came, who gave, and who now lives in us.
Love you all so much in His love,